Thursday, January 31, 2013

Felt Vintage yesterday...

I would love to have taken an ootd pic...but nothing would go right after comming home from a hard days work last night ::sighs::...It took 8 tries to record my ootd for my YouTube channel. When I finally got a decent recording...i was too too tired to deal anymore and said "Im done." Lol...but I did manage to get a few accesorie I created this collage. I live the scarf and it rich fringe and tonal pinkish and olivr tones. The gold oval hoops are a staple in my accesorie collection...specially when I need something...but not too much. I have had those Comfort View shoes for a minuit now...but they are my new favorite casual flat!! They added a classic vintage feel but still remaines understated and neutral. Hope u go visit my YT page and see the whole outfit!
Talk to yall soon!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hi There!

Hello Divas!!!! 

This is My First Post on this Blog...YAAAAYYYY!!!! (lol! Yea...Im Silly!)

I Just Wanted to introduce myself. I'm Stephanie. I LOVE Fashion and I LOVE Make-up! Im a Self-Proclaimed Shop-o-Holic and Im a Very Creative Person (which isn't always a good fellow "creators" might agree...So Many Ideas So Little time!)
I Work at a Well-known Re-tailor as A Merchandiser and Manager and I Adore Helping People with there Fashion Woahs! And BOY are a lot of people confused ::shaking head at crocks with white tube socks and that hat that is NOT hiding that bad hair day!::
Oh Yea...Im a foodie!! So if you see a random food post don't count it against me! (Me and my Niece refer to this as a Fat Girl Moment! LOL!)
But Anyway!! That's Enough about me...what about you???

Tell me something about your self?? Maybe your Favorite Lip Color? Designer?? Or your Favorite "I Dont Care how many calories because thats besides the point" food? 

Hope I here from you soon Gorgeous People!!!



P.S Visit my YouTube Channell...Its Free!! (Shhhsshhhh!! Dont Tell Anyone...;)

My YouTube Channel