Sunday, August 4, 2013

Liebster Award 2013

Most of you, like me, are probably wondering what the heck is a Liebster Award? 

Here's the rules on how this whole thing works:
1. Thank the blogger who presented you with the Liebster Award, and link back to his or her blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator; list 11 random facts about yourself, and create 11 questions for your nominees.
3. Present the Liebster Award to 11 bloggers, who have blogs with 200 followers or less, whom you feel deserve to be noticed. Leave a comment on the blogs letting the owners know they have been chosen. (No tag backs.)
4. Upload the Liebster Award image to your blog.

I was nominated by a fantastic blogger named Angel Lee check out her blog
she really knows her stuff. Thank you Angel for nominating me.

these are my Liebster Award Q&A from 
Di Ana

Question for my nominees:

1. What's your favorite lipstick?
Maybelline Color Sensational Vivids in #885 'Vibrant Mandarin"

2. What's your favorite nail polish?
 I Dont have a Specific Color, But I love Sally Hanson and OPI in Berry/Pink Tones

3. What's your favorite hair care product?
Coconut Oil

4. What's your favorite eye shadow of all time?
The WHOLE Urban Decay Naked Palette! I Use it EVERYDAY!!!

5. Who is your favorite blogger?
Chasity Valentine

6. What is something about you that most people would never guess?
I Use Humor to Overcome my Shyness

7. Favorite celebrity style?
Thats sooo hard Because I Express my Style depending on how im feeling, If I had to pic, id say SCANDLE's  "Olivia Pope" (Kerry Washington)  for Work/Relaxation and add a touch of Alicia Keys when im in "Play" Mode! 

8. Favorite fashion trend at the moment?
Peplum and ummm..Leather! Well BOTH Dammit! lol!

9. Favorite piece of jewelry you wear often?
Gold or Diamond Studs

10. What is your "holy-grail" mascara?
Dior Show Mascara

11. You found $30.00 dollars what do you buy?
Humm....I would Prob go to Target (My SO Forwarding my mail!!) And hit ALL the clearance racks and Endcaps and have a mini shopping spree! Specifics...Pair of Earrings, A cute top, a Lipstick/gloss, something for the house and a snack! LOL!

My Questions for you!!

1. What is your Holy Grail Product?
2. Name 3 Must have Items that you couldn't live without if you were on a Desert Island.
3. What would be the ONE word that describes your Style?
4. Who is your favorite Designer?
5. Whats your Favorite Store to Shop in??
6. If you had a chance to work at a makeup company, who would you work for?
7. If you had to give up ALL your make-up but ONE item, what would it be???
8.  Who is you Favorite Beauty/Fashion Blogger??? (Or both!)
9. If you had to sacrifice one, would it be your MAKE-UP or FASHION??
10. Whats your Makeup Habit?? 
      a. Buy and Toss Trish(Get rid of the                Old to  make room for the new)
      b. Hording Heather (Throw away                      stuff?? Just buy new Storage                      containers! IKEA is having a Sale              Ya know!)
      c. Minimal Mimi (I have a small stash              of makeup and if I love something,             I stick with it...If it aint               know the rest!)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Leggings, Crop Tops and After-Thoughts!

Hi Love Bugs!!

Ok, Random Blog talking about "That $h!# I DON'T LIKE!" LOL!!! (Which should have indeed been the Title...but I was Being a good girl this morning! :-D

Anywho, i wanted to talk about these trends that every woman simply shouldn't wear. YES this is my opinion. YES you can go out in Public, where people and innocent children and small animals have to see you in WHATEVER you want to! I CAN'T STOP YOU!! I Know I Cant. BUT I can state my OPINION...Can't I?? YES!! (Its a democracy ya' know! As I Laugh under my!!)

SO!!! Let's Start with the Leggings. For those who know me, you already know my General View on Leggings. For ONE the are NOT PANTS!!! This Garment should almost be thought of as an accessory. Something to make that Shorter then short Dress appropriate or Make that Tunic Length Top Acceptable. BUT there are other Factors we need to take in Body Shape, Fit and SHEERNESS!!! (Yes, I capitalized and Highlighted that last work and put that bad boy in BOLD lettering cause im SO SERIOUS!!!) 


My First Question is do you (And by "you" I Mean violators of this hannis crime!!!) have friends in your life?? Family who cares??? Co-Workers who actually like you? I know yall' are like "Stephanie?? Why The Silly Questions?? Of Course I do!!!" Well if they are NOT telling you that you look a MESS in those leggings, they might not be the best people in your life...Im just Sayin...

Seriously...THIS (Look at the Picture Below...WAIT....Breathe....Ok. Now Look) IS A HOT SMOLDERING MESS!!!)

At Work too?? No!!!!!!  Photo Link )

I Am NOT responsible for ant Permanent Damage or Bad Dreams in Relation to Viewing this Photo)

Photo From: Photo Link
                                                                                                                                                                        This Next Pic, Of which I would like to name "The Purple People Eater"m is how we SHOULDN'T Wear Leggings! A Short Shirt is bad enough, but tucking it in and adding a Belt??? I'm Completely confused!!! Well I'm NOT because She OBVIOUSLY is proud " of the 2 Hams Stuck down in back of her Pants" (Comedian  Reference) I wish Ladies as a whole would understand that you don't have to show off Every thing you have to be Sexy! 

 And that Negative, Mannish Attention you get (And Graciously Accept) only makes it harder for Men (Or woman) To respect us and take us seriously! The clothing we wear, weather we like it or not, really makes a difference in how people perceive us! Is it Fair???? Yes and No. If you look as if you don't care about you appearance, People are going to think...well you don't care. Then the assumptions come in (The not fair part) that you are un-organized, lazy, get my drift. When we show too much, it looks like were DESPERATE FOR ATTENTION. Sorry...the Truth hurts huh? 

 Photo Link You decided to wear the leggings anyway....with a shorter top. Ok, Everything I Wrote Above meant NOTHING to you. Its ok. I Get it. BUT DAMMIT cant you AT LEAST make sure they are thick enough where when the Sun or Bright light catches your better (Or not so Better...) Half that we CANT SEE STRAIGHT THROUGH THEM???? UGH!!!  Really??? I've seen it all. Ive seen bright pink thongs, Floral granny panties...NO panties. I'M SO OVER IT!!! 

Grab a GOOD Friend and have her shine a light towards you or something For Gods Sake!

And here is my Honorable Mention. The Crop Top phase ISN'T FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!
I Don't want to even go into to this...its probably another Blog Post all together.  But Here are some GREAT examples on why you MUST know your body and its limitations. 

Photo Link
Photo Link

Moral or the Story, If you Wear your leggings like This, You will be a Put together Diva and i WILL be Sooo Proud of you!!!! (I JUST Shed a Tear!!!)

Ding DING DIINNGGGG!!!! Pic Source

But if you Continue to Wear them the ways i said NOT to wear them above..Peggy Bundy will be SOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!

Love Yall!! Pass this on to a friend!!! (LMBO!!!)


~Stephanie, Fashion Diva!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

All that Glitters...

Good Morning!

I am feeling some kind of way right now. I Feel Like my life is VERY Crowded and in turn, so are my thoughts! So I'm on my Blog today VENTING...out loud!!! This is DEF a Double Latte moment! (LOL!)
You life had changed a lot...Personal, business and so forth. I Got promoted at my job a couple of months back...and I went from an hourly associate who was shoved out the door at 35 hours to a Salaried Manager who work all kinds of LOOOONNGGGGG Hours...sometimes 70 hour weeks...(one week i worked 5 Doubles!!! and got ONE day off!!! ) in this transition period, I lost what little organization I had...i was barely having time to sleep...PLUS I was Attempting to Pull my weight on the #FashionistaPartyShow. I didn't have any time to tend to my OWN YouTube Channel...write to you guys on this Blog. I WAS (and still am...but I'm working on it...:D ) a MESS!!!

And in my personal life (Yea...I'm laying it All out there!!!) I'm struggling as well. I Have no time to see my significant other, because were not "shaking up" so to speak. I Really want to get married...but that's a whole nother' Blog post!!! LMAO!!! I have NO social life and I STILL haven't found an Apartment that I want to move to! my 33 Year Old life can NO LONGER be contained in my little Bedroom...its spreading all over the house!! And Every time I have to urge to "Go IN' and clean everything up, the sight of the amount of Stuff i have to do makes me crash and burn, specially on the 4 hours of sleep I normally get!

All this stress causes me to eat horribly and Shop in what little down time I have...(Is this cheaper then therapy??? Monetarily the long :/ ) So what a tangled web we weave...right?? Like I need more stuff!!! LOL!

I'm not telling you these things to say WOE IS ME!!!. All I'm saying is that Life throws "STUFF" at you, and being Human Beings, Specially a Female Human Beings, we tend to WANT to do what Everyone expects of us and WANT to be apart of every "good" thing that comes our way. The Reality of it is...we need to learn to do whats BEST for us and know, that its say...NO!!! NO NO NO DAMMIT!!

I Cant work 12 hours today! I Cant Take part of this Event because I'm Extremely Tired. I Can't do this Project, can I delegate this to someone else? I Cant Make BOTH Baby Showers This weekend...Ill send a Gift! I cant Lend you the money, but I can try to Help you with your budget. Do y'all Fell me????

"Blow Away the Excess!! Some Things are REAL GOLD! Cherish Them! Some Things are Just Shiny and Sparkly....They Will Fade away in Time Anyway..."  -Stephanie Robertson, Life, Beauty and Fashion Blogger

Now my Title is "All that Glitters...". What I Mean is Society makes objects, Events, opportunities, etc. Seam EXTRA FABULOUS!!! DON'T Get Caught up in the HYPE!!! Learn About things for yourself...What may seem AWESOME to another might just be BLAH to you. But know you've Spent you money on the newest "HYPE" Product (Or Your time on a project or Event...How ever it applies to your case) and all you have to show for is a Tube of this "ThisWasSupposedToBeAwesome!" tube of Mascara in your makeup junk Drawer! LOL!

I am slowly making changes to suit my needs. I Let go of being on the cast of the #FashionistaShow, It Just didn't fit into my life right now! Ill miss hanging out with them, but behind the show were business aspects that i JUST Didn't have time for! I Truly wish them the best! I'm also looking for an apartment with SPACE!!! LOL!!! I Need to be in my own place and organize my life the way that makes sense to me! (Y'all Have NOOOOO IDEA!!! LMAO!!! And I need to get back to working out and eating right, which isn't working because my MIND IS TOO CLUTTERED!!! Y'all get the Picture! :)

All That Glitters isn't Gold people! Take the time to sit back and figure out what is truly important in your life and work towards that. VALUE isn't always measured on having the newest of everything on the market...neither is it defined on that notion that "Every One is Doing it!". 

in the Words of Shameless Maya...


I Hope this post helped someone was very therapeutic for me :)

Thank you Guys for reading!



Saturday, February 23, 2013

New Haul Video Up??? Come Look!....NOW! LOL!

It's Haul Time Again!!! Yeas!! As I Stroll through Isles of Target (Tar-shae) and Peek Periodicaly at WalMart (The Wall-of-Mart) a little online Trolling at One Stop Plus and Took a chance at Belk.
So Check my Video out and let me know whst you think! Dont forget to subscribe to my Blog and to my Channel for more Make-up, fashion and Give-aways! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Hunt For Cute Flats Continues....

SSOTD: (Shopping Spotlight of the Day!) Here are some Pretty Cute n Comphy Flats that I Bought from Target today! They were $19.99 and they are from the spring collection, so no sale for now! lol! But since I wear a size 11...I went ahead and scooped them up NOW! lol! So heres the Who, whats, and When's of it all!

Like I Said, the Spring Collection is Really being shopped now! Specially with all the Guest Desighners Like Prabal Gurung for Target, who has some AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE Selections for the High-Fashion Diva's who are on a Budget!!! I Mean Who could resist these Adorable, Yet Edgy Flats???  

But Yea... GO TO TARGET NOW!!!
Well...I mean...when there open...There Closed here..Err....Whateva!! JUST GOOO When you Can! LOL!
Love Hugz and Kisses to you all!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

OMG!!! Exciting News!!!!!!!

Omg Omg OMG!! Im Super Excited about being apart of this new Adventure! Its going to be AWESOME!!! Visit this Video and check it out!!! Hit the Like Button and Subscribe to all of us!!!
(Yea..Im being very vauge...BUT Just watch the Vid to see whats to come!

HINT: Its gonna be like hanging out with you Watch the Vid, RSVP and CLEAR YOUR CALENDERS!!! :)


Sunday, February 3, 2013

New YouTube Vid Out!!! My Saturday Haul :)

Heres my Newest Haul Video Ladies and Gents!!! Dont forget to Rate, Comment and Subscribe!! :)

Sample-Sale Hugs and Lipstick Kisses!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

My New SNS Nails! Love them so far...

Soooooooo.... I Got my nails done today after work today. I Originally was just going to get my Old Set Removed and get another Gel Set put on. I was telling the lady that for some reason the Gels (Not the nail itself...but the overlay) was still chipping more then I wanted and I was wondering if maybe I needed a thicker Coat of gel on top of the polish. She recommended that I try a Newer Nail Treatment over my Real Nails (Thank God I still retained some length when she removed the gel nails! ) Of course i was intrigued and said SURE! (lol!) These are called SNS Nails...they put a sealant of some sort on your nails and dip your (real) nails into the powder. They repeat this step several times and then file and shape as desired. Then She put on a VERY quickly drying top coal and WA-LA!!!Let Dry for  5 mins your done! I LOVE them so far!!!! So Imma update with yall in a week or so to see how they hold up cause I work in retail and use my hands a lot!

I LOVE the Look so far! I got a Peach color and you probably cant tell by the picture, but they have faint little sparkles through out the nail...(Im not a huge fan of the Glitter nails...but to each there own! :)

Let me know what you think yall!


Oh!! Heres a Video from the company who created this Nail Tecnique 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Felt Vintage yesterday...

I would love to have taken an ootd pic...but nothing would go right after comming home from a hard days work last night ::sighs::...It took 8 tries to record my ootd for my YouTube channel. When I finally got a decent recording...i was too too tired to deal anymore and said "Im done." Lol...but I did manage to get a few accesorie I created this collage. I live the scarf and it rich fringe and tonal pinkish and olivr tones. The gold oval hoops are a staple in my accesorie collection...specially when I need something...but not too much. I have had those Comfort View shoes for a minuit now...but they are my new favorite casual flat!! They added a classic vintage feel but still remaines understated and neutral. Hope u go visit my YT page and see the whole outfit!
Talk to yall soon!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hi There!

Hello Divas!!!! 

This is My First Post on this Blog...YAAAAYYYY!!!! (lol! Yea...Im Silly!)

I Just Wanted to introduce myself. I'm Stephanie. I LOVE Fashion and I LOVE Make-up! Im a Self-Proclaimed Shop-o-Holic and Im a Very Creative Person (which isn't always a good fellow "creators" might agree...So Many Ideas So Little time!)
I Work at a Well-known Re-tailor as A Merchandiser and Manager and I Adore Helping People with there Fashion Woahs! And BOY are a lot of people confused ::shaking head at crocks with white tube socks and that hat that is NOT hiding that bad hair day!::
Oh Yea...Im a foodie!! So if you see a random food post don't count it against me! (Me and my Niece refer to this as a Fat Girl Moment! LOL!)
But Anyway!! That's Enough about me...what about you???

Tell me something about your self?? Maybe your Favorite Lip Color? Designer?? Or your Favorite "I Dont Care how many calories because thats besides the point" food? 

Hope I here from you soon Gorgeous People!!!



P.S Visit my YouTube Channell...Its Free!! (Shhhsshhhh!! Dont Tell Anyone...;)

My YouTube Channel